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I am having a hard time downloading  apk packages... not positive maybe its its the site, but ive managed many other games.

It isn't that its broken into sections,  it just wont download from site. Maybe a fluke maybe not. Keep an eye out for further complaints. 

I played an earlier version  and loved it , thank you!

(1 edit)

I downloaded all of them and apk1-4 refused to install. So I haven't even been able to play it at all 🥲 ~ Finally got to play it, 10/10, one of my favorite games

Deleted 322 days ago
(2 edits) (+3)

I've never had an HGame make me feel this much and I'm only a few chapters in

(edit) This game is so fucking funny and hits so hard at the same time so far my favorite HGame I've played to date

(7 edits)

Spoilers below, random thoughts I have while playing:

turned from sad story to lmao wtf is going on right after sarah went to make dinner

also sarah seems like mountain fox

this shit's hilarious.

CJ's a dumbass lol

shit, the opposite of information really is misinformation, damn could've just waited, like, ten seconds for CJ to get there!

Ah, it's a whole pile of crap that I see but they don't. Really there's nothing much to fight about. No big issue, nothing. Though maybe I'm just weird.

Ah, yeah, see?

I'd be satisfied if the game just ended right after talking to Vic.

How does this get to the end dream I have no clue,

... I dunno.

lucky strike!

Is it complete?


Not even close, 46 chapters out of 100 planned. Still has more content than most completed VNs.

(1 edit) (+5)

Hell yeah it does, and  it's updated way faster too


Dev. You say "4f 74 68 65 72 20 63 6f 64 65 73 20 65 78 69 73 74 20 62 65 73 69 64 65 73 20 68 65 78 20 63 6f 64 65 20 79 6f 75 20 75 6e 6f 72 69 67 69 6e 61 6c 20 73 63 68 6d 75 63 6b 73 2e" but you are the one that chose to write it first.


One must first speak the language to make fun of them in their language.

Whoops 46 chapters now!


I just now finished all 45 chapters holy shit this game is amazing, if you want to burn about 72 hours of playtime, this is the VN for you.


46 part 1 just came out so you have 1 more to complete.

(4 edits) (+2)


Hello, Story Anon(and co.)! First and foremost: brilliant game! I love it and it's definitely one of the best AVNs out there! The first time I played Out of touch was around chapter 32(I think) being the latest update. It's kind of funny, I've been playing it for a while and started thinking "Is this an adult visual novel? There hasn't been anything sexual so far... I mean, I don't mind, the story's good, so I'll keep playing... But I'm sure I was looking at adult games, did I fuck up somehow?". I even came here to Itch and looked at screenshots, but back then there actually weren't any that would show explicit scenes. It kind of makes me sad that you've updated the page, because it was funnier for me with the old look. Though people being confused about that topic is probably not good for business. Anyway, have you added some stuff that wasn't there initially? I don't remember that whole fighting scene with Cro'Dhearg in the beginning, as well as the four goddesses appearing on screen(by the way, I've noticed that only Hebe's eyes weren't glowing, is it because we haven't done her arc yet? If so - nice! I love little details like that). In some of the very first scenes of the game there were a few instances where goddesses' shadows would be shown alongside their shards - this is a bit more obscure, but I don't think that was there when I played Out of touch the first time. I was also surprised to find that the game is made in Unity, was it always like that? And speaking of software, where do you make character models, if you don't mind me asking? They are not from Koikatsu, right? While we're on the subject, there's one tiny problem that I think deserves mentioning: when you load a save, you can't roll back and history doesn't show preceding text either. It's a minor thing, but it would be helpful if the problem wasn't present. In case it wouldn't take too much time to rectify this inconvenience, I'd say it's worth looking into.

I was going to ask if the game ends with Hebe's arc, but since apparently there are 100 chapters planned, clearly that's not the case. Very interesting. I'm not a big fun of the current plot development with CJ being a "breeder", 160+  ejaculations with Sarah, the whole 25 times a day thing and all that. Seems a bit over the line, but I guess I'll see how it goes from there. I love the story in general, tough. Great writing. I like that main cast's parents are also quite involved in the story, that adds a lot to the game. I want to thank you for having the main character's name unchangeable. I really wish more AVNs would do that. Names are important and it is the writer who should decide what the characters are called. Seriously, thank you! I wish a certain "paint drawing" would be... Replaced... But based on how much it is discussed in the game, I doubt that's going happen. It's fine, I'll survive. Had to mention it though.

Honestly, not sure what else to say and this comment is long enough already. I love all aspects of the game; characters, music, scenes, etc. - everything is great! Keep up the fantastic work!

I'll be in touch.

(1 edit) (+1)

It was made in RenPy originally, it was ported to Unity around time of Ch21-22 release. Renders are made in Koikatsu. Prologue stuff was added along with Ch39 Part 2 release, new intro, new scene and voice acting for Chad. History isn’t saved currently because each rollback history entry is entire state which has to be saved, so saves would be 200 times larger if it was saved (so instead of ~15-150KB saves would be ~8MB each). This will be changed with engine upgrade, but that wouldn’t happen this year, it’s a massive project and improved save format is just one small part - but it will store state more efficiently so saves will be as small with history.

Oh, they are made in Koikatsu? Interesting. I feel like your characters look quite different from ones in other games using it. Speaking of which, I loved all the shots fired at... how did you refer to it? Harems of love, was it? That was great. Anyway, I'm excited for the game's future. Cheers!

I assume they're using high quality shaders and are frequently making significant edits to the renders in post, because yes, the games renders are much higher quality than most that use Koikatsu.

Okay, so chapter 45 is out now, but what does that actually mean? How many chapters are you thinking of making?

(1 edit) (+1)

100 chapters are planned. 46 Part 1 will come out in less than 2 days.

completed chapter 30 now can i delete installer 1 file from out of touch document for space in android 

Once the game is running than all installers can be safely deleted.

(1 edit) (+3)

I am in love with this game, even more with the soundtrack aaaaaaaaaaaaah i want it on my playlist 


Wow. This is the story I needed. Thanks for this. Thank you so much. Great work. Can't wait for more.

Quick question but if I downloaded the game from the update that was posted 15 days ago would I also need to download the chapter 45 update or no? I'm  on windows if that also helps

No, if you downloaded full version you don’t need update. Update is only when you have version from previous month.

Alright sounds good. Thanks for the help


Is there any rape? I do not like to play or read things with rape, it triggers me even if it was only briefly mentioned. Thanks in advance.


There are no rape h-scenes and no love interest has been the victim of sexual assault, although some have had it (unsuccessfully) attempted sometime in their past.

There are villains in the game that are/were involved in sex trafficking which is not quite the same but still fair warning.

None of it is glorified and it's only mentioned in the same severity as murder.


Thank you very much for letting me know. I think I should be fine with the villains, but I am glad that the heroines are not victims, it would  leave a messed up feeling lmao. Once again, thank you.

No problem, hope you enjoy it!

Any way to adjust text speed?

(1 edit)

What do you mean? Text always appears instantly. There is a way to adjust auto advance speed.

How?(im on android btw)

(2 edits)

Settings, Gameplay tab, Auto section on all platforms (very few settings are platform specific). It affects how fast game advances when you press Auto button and only when there is no voice acting, for lines with voice acting it uses voice line duration instead. There is no setting affecting how fast text appears - it always appears instantly as soon as text command is executed.


I haven't even finished chapter one and i feel like this game has changed me as a person.

I can no longer experience expectations.

(2 edits) (+2)

me at start of game : oh poor victoria she has it rough, cant really fault her... oh she really did that huh...
me after the timeskip *Victoria opens mouth* : I will legitimately romance everyone but her and feel great about it.

will storyanon surprise me and somehow make her grow on me, time will tell. Other characters are pretty great though, step-sis was an awesome support so far. Also lowkey had a feeling about a tomboy, nice play.


AAnnnnnndd then you find out what happened to Vick before that and why she is the way she is! You find out about her mum and dad, the family curse. Khione...

Soooo messed up... Personally I forgave Vickie as soon as I found out her full story.

Where is main game apk for android 

Doesn't exist anymore, now running the installers will automatically create it for you. Makes life a little easier.


This game is a fever dream xD


so im on android an there is all these different versions do i have to download each and every one to play evrything till todays or last update or can i just download one

You need to download and install 1-5,  you can delete each installer after running it though

Are there any animated special scenes? Couple hours in so far, absolutely love the story and characters! Was just curious is all lol. 

The animations in Tropicali are test runs before eventually retroactively adding animations in OoT.

so the animations will be added after OoT is completed? 

Much earlier. There are already some animations being worked on and Tropicali will be completed much earlier, OoT will go on for at least several more years because 100 chapters are planned.

ohhh ok, that's cool. I did not expect it to be that long. Thank you🙏

This game was super good but at the same time by brain hurts to think and i think im having a mild aneurysm 

Is there/will there be impreg?

Chapter 43

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is BASED *takes a dramatic pose* (yes, I'm referencing here).

Holy shit. This game, characters and story. The quality of the story is in a league above most and  on par with some of the best Visual Novels I've ever played (maybe teenyweeny melodramatic at times, but that's a nitpick). The story and plot is going at breakneck speed (there is more hapening in one week than usually happens in one full game of this kind), and yet it keeps me invested all the way. I don't even care about the H bits (it's a nice bonus). How is this so goddamn good? *tips hat*

MC is one big dumb blond himbo with the most idiotic name ever (I love and hate him at the same time XD)... His father made me laugh so hard. Luckily his loveinterests and their stories keep me well entertained (they are currently carrying the plot),  and he does seem to become more dimensional the further we get into the story. I'm 24 chapters in and I'm only a bit over halfway into the current version. Damn... That's a lot of content... I'm impressed.

You had my curiousity, but now you have my full attention. Here have 5 stars (although you deserve way more than 5 ).

(4 edits) (+2)

You’re not even close to halfway. Chapters 1-15 are like 10% of the current game. You’re probably at around 30%. Although chapter 22 is the longest in the game chapters do get longer on average. Quality also goes up in later chapters (but you should’ve seen 2023 renders in some parts of prologue).

(2 edits) (+1)

Really??? Only 30% ???? Holy crap!!! Chapters 1-15 already feel like a large part (although a bit shorter than later chapters I'll admit).

Well, more to enjoy then, haha! And the game itself isn't even finished. What's up with all this quality content? It almost feels this is more than we are worthy of. 


WTF PC's name and the conversation with his dad from the first 5 minutes had my sides splitting buahahahaha

I want to play it but my pc wont start it

(2 edits)

Can you at least elaborate how is it not starting.

If you don’t elaborate on what’s the problem I can’t help you.

ntr or not?i am really interested in this game




how to update on PC?

Extract update zip, copy contents of Update folder to your game folder and confirm replacing files with the same names. If you didn’t get confirmation you’re copying to wrong folder.

pls can u tell me step by step with option cause i dont understand




Absolute filthy degenerate.


dumbass i ask because i dont want to see rape scene not because i want to see rape scene bro

Oh that makes more sense lmao mb


so you didn't answer the game got rape yeah or no and if yeah avoidable?

it does not 

I believe it's all avoidable content, rarely ever a concern either. And you probably won't get any during your playthrough.




Weirdly people are giving you incorrect answers here.

Yes, there is rape. It's not done by the main character, it's taken seriously, treated as a bad thing, and not shown explicitly on screen, but it does happen and recovering from the consequences is pretty central to the arc of one of the characters.

oh i see really thanks for this answer

Not for you to whack off to.

Pretty much not even shown. A factor of the plot more than anything.


In other news, chapter 45 and that trailer/preview/intro sequence was great. Already got me hooked for Kieran's arc (Right? it is her arc now? Then Ashley's or something? I vaguely remember reading that somewhere, probably the discord)

Still amazed at how this game keeps grabbing my attention. I finish an arc, I go into a state of hibernation waiting for the full release of the next arc, I get curious and I end up playing a chapter of it just to see what I'll be getting into... and then I want to play it update-by-update instead of my usual "wait for the whole season" approach. Great shit as always *thumbs up*


"Don't you dare scroll back, I'll know"

* immediately scrolls back *

* "No" option's no longer there *

That ANNIHILATED me for some reason lmao

what chapters that in lmao

(1 edit)

Between the end of chapter 44 and 45 where it does the volume 3 recap. It's specifically during the recap.

(1 edit) (+3)

Bro, i cannot overstate how gripped I am by the story by chapter 14

(1 edit) (+3)

You’re like 10% into current story, so you’ll have a lot more to enjoy. Volume 1 (chapters 1-15) are more like extended prologue.

Got dam. I see chapter 45 just dropped. Is it close to done?


Not even close, 100 chapters are planned. They also get longer, peaking at ch22/23 and then most chapters remain the same length with arc finales being longer.


The reveal of his dad had me fucking rolling.


I have loved this VN for a long time. I love the characters, the story and the weirdness of it all. I especially love the whole mystery of Tsukiko and Cro! Can they really be trusted? Who knows!!

Deleted 1 year ago

The tears are mandatory.

(3 edits) (+2)

Not sure I said it at all, but one of my favorite parts of all this story, is the fact that CJ is SPECIFICALLY the son of Chad Thundercock and everyone is special to CJ with their bond, and the story is legit somehow perfection with this

Um So it seems the APK is not here anymore so ye uh ye

(3 edits)

No longer needed. It’s now part of installer packages. When all assets are installed it will automatically request installing main game apk, which is packaged inside installers. Made this change because a lot of people kept installing it without assets or installed assets without it, so now they can’t. If you still have old installers but don’t have main apk - download any of the new installers, run old ones first and then run new one - it will install main apk. Or just download new ones.

got a runtime error when trying to download that way? all recources download just not the app

(1 edit)

That sometimes happens because antivirus on your phone deletes apk immediately after it’s extracted during installation. I can recommend joining discord and we’ll give you the packaged apk.

okay thanks where is the discord?

Hit the discord logo at the top of the page, the blue one.


Boys.. we need news


Ch45 for patrons at the end of this week, public 7 days after.


ty plus i enjoy your game so much

Ch 45?????  I'm incredibly entertained because I thought the entire game was the prologue and did a "that's it?" at the end. 6 months later, due to some review noise, I'm revisiting, and I guess i'll find out what i think after I check it out for, apparently, mostly the first time.


By render count, the prologue is about 2% of the game. Lots more to enjoy.


Shake it up is all that we know
Using the bodies up as we go
I'm waking up to fantasy
The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see
Broken ice still melts in the sun
And times that are broken can often be one again
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Take a look around

You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

You're out of touch
I'm out of time (time)
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

Reaching out for something to hold
Looking for a love where the climate is cold
Manic moves and drowsy dreams
Or living in the middle between the two extremes
Smoking guns hot to the touch
Would cool down if we didn't use them so much, yeah
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Too much

You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

You're out of touch
But I'm out of my head when you're not around

You're out of touch
I'm out of time
Not around

You're out of touch
I'm out of time

How do i exactly play... 

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