Download and extract on desktop. On android download isntallers 1-5 and run all of them in any order. Once you run last one game will automatically install.
#1. I could give a F*** less about the (admittedly hot) p*** at this point. I enjoy it only because it’s integral to the story, but it’s by far a secondary motivation while this game both slakes and starves my appetite for it. The author of this sprawling epic KNOWS things. The writing is evocative, engrossing, and empathic to the human condition. The reality that the LIs & MC dance amidst is balanced with compassion, unapologetic insanity, and grandiloquence in spades. WORLD BUILDING!!! It’s believable!!! Despite this unkind universe rag-dolling any attempt to preempt a crisis, the MC’s struggles against multiple numinous antagonists fail to feel predictable (which is a feat considering the mass of exposition). I think the clincher is that I never feel bored or complacent during navigation through walls of text. I’m not generally one to laud my own accomplishments so I don’t want this to sound like it’s coming from a boundless ego:
I feel like I am fairly well educated, but the writing here is from someone who is beyond what I could ever hope to be. How can the human condition be embossed upon a text bubble that’s as thought provoking as oil meticulously brushed upon canvas? All storytelling within this work juxtaposes inspiration & defeat by contrasting my own meager talent.
I say this with full sincerity-
Dear author: Your talent for conveying expressive imagery through words surpasses the material plane, cusping upon the divine.
ANYWHO: Genuinely incredible storytelling. I wish I knew what you know. Thank you for this.
Other code exists besides hex codes you use foriginal schemes.
Holy shit. Picked this up again after many months and there have been some changes. Most notable of them being that CJ is the definition of "having aura". This stuff got real good.
Just started this. Made it to the first airport scene, and had to step away for a post-coital cigare put it down for a bit.
I can't tell what this is trying to be. I went through brutal and frightening trauma, slice-of-life dramedy, memelord absurdity, neon-soaked fever dream, and heartwarming transgender revelation - in that order - with such swiftness that it's giving me severe whiplash. That was all in Chapter One, and there are fifty-fucking-one chapters so far.
It feels like someone threw Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Rocky IV, and Perfect Blue into a blender and pressed "Liquefy" - then poured it out into a cookie mold for Kimagure Orange Road.
What I'm trying to say is that it hurts my brain, but I'm at least curious to see where it goes. One thing's for sure - every byte of that eleven gigabyte download is probably justified in sheer content.
Oh, and there's sex scenes. They're pretty hot. Enjoy.
I can assure you this will be one of the most insane trips you will have going to see in any game. And yes, each arc the story gets better and better and better.
Just finished chapter 30(ashley birthday) arc, and I must say, it is absolute cinema. No other AVN made me so emotional. Def 10/10
The first game that takes mommy issues seriously lol. Also, I am a little confused, when white spirit was showing CJ and Vic their past, there was a scene where Vic was standing near the mirror with some pills. It seemed important, did I just not understand what was happening, or is it gonna be developed further? I enjoy every aspect of this story and don’t want to miss anything because i’m slow lol
Sorry for the late reply, did you get request to install app after pressing “Install” button? It should automatically install the game app and replace installer with it. If it didn’t happen - check ExternalStorage/Out_of_Touch/ folder and see if it has Game.apk file - if it has the file install it manually and you should be able to play the game. If it doesn’t exist - that means you have some overzealous antivirus deleting game apk file before it can be installed, join discord and I’ll send you the file you’re missing right now.
After going way further than my original review (basically spent all my free time on this game for the past few days) I have a few more things to say and a few of my original opinions that need rectification
This game is much greater than I originally thought, genuinely expected it to be a dumb aha game but it's so much more. The main character has what's most important for a main character : flaws. It's not his being stupid, it's his self doubt, living for others without thinking of himself, thinking he isn't worthy of being loved while chasing after that love. He is portrayed as charismatic, confident, the kind of character to never overthink and just do what feels right, he is the light and the core of everything that is happening in the story, but it's never enough. Things never go perfectly. Each arc ends "well" but the sacrifice for said good ending gets bigger each time it's not some dumb "aha overpowered mc go brrr" him and the entire main cast all have to give up something at some point in order for them to keep walking their path.
It may seem really obvious when just said like this but it's something that is very important to keep a story rooted, keep it interesting and make it so the player really feels like everything happening has a meaning and is important to the story. Even really popular shows and games often don't apply this, they may get away with it for multiple reasons, but it's always better to have it than not, at least in my opinion.
Anyways, I'm really trying to avoid spoiling anything here so here comes the closure on this short review :
This game is absolutely worth being played if you're more story oriented. The sex scenes aren't bad, the first few are even voiced and it does kinda get you, but that's about all there is. I'd say in this game the scenes aren't there so you can do your usual arm workout but mostly to add to the story. Of course that doesn't apply to all of them, but I find that a lot do. The story itself is pretty cool, I can't explain in detail since again, I'm trying not to spoil anything, but while it can seem a little "childish" (?) and idiotic at first, it picks up the pace and I haven't found myself skipping text out of boredom but only out of anxiousness and need for answers (always regretted it after a couple lines and went back regardless but still)
Sooo yeah, I think this game is worth playing, and unlike I originally thought, it definitely has its spot in the good or even great games available on Itch, it's not just "decent" like I originally thought, it was a pleasant surprise.
Hey, I took a little break but I'm here and I just finished chapter 51 Let me just, talk about the light stuff first, the french needs some corrections. It's my first language so if you'd like we could talk on discord a little and if you agree I can change the phrases to make it so they're gammatically correct while also sticking as close as possible to your original artistic view
Now for the actual content I might need some time to process some things, I did 50 and 51 together, lot of time paradoxes and things that I'll need to make sure I understood properly I really want to avoid spoiling anyone who might come across this reply so I'll stay as vague as I can
This really felt like it turned everything upside down, in a good way of course. I had made some predictions as the story unfolded and while not all of them were wrong, it was nowhere near what was actually happening. Which is amazing. The duality of characters finding out what they are, or what they *aren't*. Discovering these as a player, not having a choice but just going forward hoping to get answers to the many new questions in my head, it created a feeling of heavyness much greater than anything this game had before. But it couldn't have happened without the story staying so consistent throughout all of these chapters, no matter how confusing they became. It made no sense but it made so much sense at the same time, not claiming I understood everything of course I most likely missed stuff after all I just spend multiple hours reading this. Caught myself going back a few lines, reading them again and again sometimes, making sure I at least had a proper, deliberate thought about them because it felt like if I didn't I would lose my understanding of what was happening. The revelations kept coming in one after the other, it felt kind of like seeing a puzzle completing itself and trying to slow it down so you can observe *how*
A lot felt like it was just ideas coming back and being stuck together, I just needed to see more, the few (rare I have to admit, don't beat yourself up over this) typos that appeared didn't even register I just needed to go forward.
I have like 500go of visual novels downloaded from Itch (or found thanks to itch) on my computer and out of all of them, very few made me feel like this. I am glad I decided to download this game. I wish I had downloaded it before, but I also wish I hadn't found it until it was completely finished, so that I could get more and not get cut after the very emotional end of chapter that was given.
I went from thinking this was a slightly above average "discover your heritage and enjoy your harem with a dumb, pure, horny mc" game in the first few chapters, to actually playing it and it being so much more.
I might be glazing a little hard, I don't know, I'm still high on the feelings of the last few chapters, hadn't mentionned it but I also really loved Auxo's part, even if those last revelations make me doubt her sincerity a little.
Also side note, that 4th wall break stuff was somehow a nice break, it was in a very critical moment but it wasn't obnoxious, just a fun little surprise so you could breathe before it all went to shit again.
Anyways, you asked to let you know of my thoughts once I finished the chapter, I hope I did not disappoint
Finally, the game is working again on Linux. I stopped at chapter 45, after which the animation finally showed up. It was causing a crash before, but now I have WINE version 10.01 and it displayed smoothly. There's a lot of material waiting for me to catch up on, but I'm glad to be playing the game again.
So incredibly from the usual "VN"s on Itch and such sites purely because of how heavily the aspect of "novel" is used in this, but made so much uniquely better because of that. No, there isn't much interaction to be had with anything. No, you don't get to make much in way of character decisions. No, there aren't branching stories to explore and go through. However, Out of Touch's story is what makes it so compelling. It is the epitome of what a visual novel should be. The storytelling is enthralling, the characters are engaging, and the twists and gags make for a story so captivating that I have quite literally spent nearly 30 hours reading through it all (and even that was with the occasional skip through of dialogue). This is such a rich story with depth I've seldom found in actual published works that I have sunk more time than may be proper into the completion of what has been written so far, and knowing that more awaits is equally thrilling as it is daunting to imagine what work must be done by the team behind this. Disregarding the pornographic aspects which lure one in, the story told herein is flooring with how enraptured it has left me. I do not wish to engage in spoilers, but the characters and their arcs and all that occurs through what has been written (again, so far) are masterfully done. Naysayers may bemoan the tropes explored and the cliches used, but they add into the magnitude of this novel rather than detract anything from it. For all my years of being an avid reader, I cannot recall any tale that has gripped me so tightly as this - the humor, the drama, the comedy, the romance, everything coalesces to fall in place right as it should into what I would gladly argue is its own masterpiece of fiction.
This is not a porn game to be downloaded on a whim; played through a handful of times and discarded once the next fresh thing appears.
This is a novel, one whose themes and storytelling prowess should not be overlooked.
Kudos to you, Story Anon, and all of your team. I eagerly await the continuation of this story.
(P.S. Chapter 43 [I believe]. Those faces. Shivers every time they appear. In equal parts Fuck you and Man that really conveys how creepy they really are, well done.)
I installed this out of desperation for something new to play, I've gone through most if not all of the top 18+ VNS on Itch and I'm left only wanting more (althought the space on my computer is suffering from the sheer amount I have installed)
I had put off playing this quite a while ago because I didn't like how we couldn't name the protagonist Got to experience other games until eventually this doesn't bother me anymore so I thought "Why not give it a try?" It's kind of been a banger, like yeah it's not the best thing i've ever read, or ever seen But the whole Chad Thundercock dad thing is lowkey hilarious and the VA does an amazing job, the story's been fun so far while also having somewhat of a serious undertone. I also really like these little narration lines calling mc dumb, not saying I want more of them though because we need to keep a balance but it hasn't been over the top so far.
Anyways, I liked this a lot more than I thought, and while it probably won't become one of my favorites (the competition is rough up there) I feel like it definitely earns it's place close under them
It's not meant to be a part of the "Canon of Literature" like Catcher In The Rye or Flowers For Algernon. For what it is, it doesn't take itself too seriously and really capitalizes on the resources they had. It's thought-provoking, sure, but it's meant to be entertaining. If it didn't achieve that, completely, for you, then no problem. For some of us, this is the kind of light-hearted but deeply satisfying story immersion that we want and, in some ways, need. I would be more than happy to see anyone compete with the complexity and attention to character development this story has. This kind of work can either disgust you or impress you. There's too much art in this to disgust me. Some VNs do that. Some books do that. Hell, some animes do that. Just relax and try not to be too critical.
Honestly sucks that you saw this one and replied to it, but not my newest comment. I was on chapter 10 or so when I wrote this one. Wrote a new one today a couple chapters after finishing with Auxo. I wasn't mean in this review so your reply confuses me, makes me frustrated a little bit even. I called it a banger, I said "story's been amazing so far" while pointing to the serious undertones that had started to show up, as a positive thing. Sure I guess I did say it's not one of the best things to exist, not one of the best games on here, but I also said it's pretty close to it. Idk, your reply just feels like you thought I didn't like the game and it's kind of annoying since that's not at all what I said
Quick question cuz I never played this game does the 11gb download have the latest chapters 50 and 51 or do I have to download them as well? If so how do I put them to the base game file?
Edit: I guess no one is going to answer my question meaning I guess I wont be playing this game anytime soon.
I gotta say one of the well thought out ero novel out there character personality are hella unique with their own set back with their trauma gotta say game developer hella cooked in this one and the world of this one of the kind first time exprience such high tier visual novel well done dev.
Love this game, everything is just amazing! Although I am a sucker for dark stories so not too surprising.
Also, currently on chapter 22, just got to the scene where they "met" the swedish soldiers. Don't know why but that really felt weird, maybe because I understood what they where saying and maybe because what Cro said was just bonechilling (not like the whole entire game hasn't been bonechilling but still).
Started this game in December as a distraction over Christmas. Absolutely fell in love with the story and the characters. You have done such an amazing job, I even had to limit myself to one chapter a day once I got half way through just so I could make the experience last longer
what a gut punch those last two chapters were. Every time you release something new I know it will destroy me but I just can’t stop waiting for more. I’m afraid but hopeful for the future of our characters.
I picked this up about a week ago and could hardly put it down sense. Between the overall quality, the incredible characters, and the compelling story (and fucking Gianni), this is easily makes my top 5 VNs of all time. I'm so glad I only stumbled across it (seemingly) close to the end of the story, because I'm not sure if I could survive waiting a long time for it to finish. 11/10 fucking masterpiece
I want to download the game but the thing with the latest update being a seperate file confuses me. Is it in the main downloadfile itself aswell or do I have to dowload both if I want the whole experience?
I'm fairly early into the game and I noticed I haven't come across any choices. Is this purely just reading or is it also a choice based game, just further in. Also sad that we can't change the protagonists name but it's fairly close to the name I use for things regardless so it doesn't bother me too much
This is very much a visual novel. No choices, just you reading a book that has nightmare horrors and unbelievable ammounts of sex. It is worth the read, though.
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Tiene idioma español?
How to intall it
Download and extract on desktop. On android download isntallers 1-5 and run all of them in any order. Once you run last one game will automatically install.
Oh thanks broo
man this game is fantastic, its much better than tropicali, they improved the writing a lot and especially the MC's personality.
Bro... This is gold, I relly enjoy this history, now I have to wait to see how it end
Pedazo de arte 🌹
Honestly this game is fantastic, im on chapter 4 and the story is so good
oh just wait..... gets crazy
So I'm trying to get into this game but I have a question
1.Is the CG animated like it's not a big deal buuuut I kinda wanna see animated scene the story good? like is worth sinking in hours into this game
1. Some are, others are being updated over time
2. The several essay long comments praising the story below should answer that.
#1. I could give a F*** less about the (admittedly hot) p*** at this point. I enjoy it only because it’s integral to the story, but it’s by far a secondary motivation while this game both slakes and starves my appetite for it.
The author of this sprawling epic KNOWS things. The writing is evocative, engrossing, and empathic to the human condition. The reality that the LIs & MC dance amidst is balanced with compassion, unapologetic insanity, and grandiloquence in spades. WORLD BUILDING!!! It’s believable!!! Despite this unkind universe rag-dolling any attempt to preempt a crisis, the MC’s struggles against multiple numinous antagonists fail to feel predictable (which is a feat considering the mass of exposition). I think the clincher is that I never feel bored or complacent during navigation through walls of text. I’m not generally one to laud my own accomplishments so I don’t want this to sound like it’s coming from a boundless ego:
I feel like I am fairly well educated, but the writing here is from someone who is beyond what I could ever hope to be.
How can the human condition be embossed upon a text bubble that’s as thought provoking as oil meticulously brushed upon canvas? All storytelling within this work juxtaposes inspiration & defeat by contrasting my own meager talent.
I say this with full sincerity-
Dear author: Your talent for conveying expressive imagery through words surpasses the material plane, cusping upon the divine.
ANYWHO: Genuinely incredible storytelling. I wish I knew what you know. Thank you for this.
Other code exists besides hex codes you use foriginal schemes.
I did not know what I was getting into, and I certainly did not expect Chad Thundercock and that twist. 10/10.
Holy shit. Picked this up again after many months and there have been some changes. Most notable of them being that CJ is the definition of "having aura". This stuff got real good.
:C ,>_<,
I just imanged this game becoming an anime. And it would be one of the fucking best. In the new top 3, this would be one of them
This game ROCKS
Just started this. Made it to the first airport scene, and had to
step away for a post-coital cigareput it down for a bit.I can't tell what this is trying to be. I went through brutal and frightening trauma, slice-of-life dramedy, memelord absurdity, neon-soaked fever dream, and heartwarming transgender revelation - in that order - with such swiftness that it's giving me severe whiplash. That was all in Chapter One, and there are fifty-fucking-one chapters so far.
It feels like someone threw Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Rocky IV, and Perfect Blue into a blender and pressed "Liquefy" - then poured it out into a cookie mold for Kimagure Orange Road.
What I'm trying to say is that it hurts my brain, but I'm at least curious to see where it goes. One thing's for sure - every byte of that eleven gigabyte download is probably justified in sheer content.
Oh, and there's sex scenes. They're pretty hot. Enjoy.
I can assure you this will be one of the most insane trips you will have going to see in any game.
And yes, each arc the story gets better and better and better.
Is this game finished?
I'm now playing up to chapter 30 I love the story but only thing i don't like, almost hate is the protagonist he's so useless.
just keep going don't worry about it
Just finished chapter 30(ashley birthday) arc, and I must say, it is absolute cinema. No other AVN made me so emotional. Def 10/10
The first game that takes mommy issues seriously lol. Also, I am a little confused, when white spirit was showing CJ and Vic their past, there was a scene where Vic was standing near the mirror with some pills. It seemed important, did I just not understand what was happening, or is it gonna be developed further? I enjoy every aspect of this story and don’t want to miss anything because i’m slow lol
That scene is her attempting to take her own life using the pills I believe. She didn't want CJ to see it because she was ashamed of the memory
yeah i thought the same, just wanted to make sure , ty tho
can someone help me? I already installed the new update but I can't run the game and just stuck in this unending cycle
Sorry for the late reply, did you get request to install app after pressing “Install” button? It should automatically install the game app and replace installer with it. If it didn’t happen - check
folder and see if it hasGame.apk
file - if it has the file install it manually and you should be able to play the game. If it doesn’t exist - that means you have some overzealous antivirus deleting game apk file before it can be installed, join discord and I’ll send you the file you’re missing right now.I don't know what to think of anymore after finishing ch 51
After going way further than my original review (basically spent all my free time on this game for the past few days) I have a few more things to say and a few of my original opinions that need rectification
This game is much greater than I originally thought, genuinely expected it to be a dumb aha game but it's so much more.
The main character has what's most important for a main character : flaws. It's not his being stupid, it's his self doubt, living for others without thinking of himself, thinking he isn't worthy of being loved while chasing after that love.
He is portrayed as charismatic, confident, the kind of character to never overthink and just do what feels right, he is the light and the core of everything that is happening in the story, but it's never enough.
Things never go perfectly.
Each arc ends "well" but the sacrifice for said good ending gets bigger each time it's not some dumb "aha overpowered mc go brrr" him and the entire main cast all have to give up something at some point in order for them to keep walking their path.
It may seem really obvious when just said like this but it's something that is very important to keep a story rooted, keep it interesting and make it so the player really feels like everything happening has a meaning and is important to the story.
Even really popular shows and games often don't apply this, they may get away with it for multiple reasons, but it's always better to have it than not, at least in my opinion.
Anyways, I'm really trying to avoid spoiling anything here so here comes the closure on this short review :
This game is absolutely worth being played if you're more story oriented.
The sex scenes aren't bad, the first few are even voiced and it does kinda get you, but that's about all there is. I'd say in this game the scenes aren't there so you can do your usual arm workout but mostly to add to the story. Of course that doesn't apply to all of them, but I find that a lot do.
The story itself is pretty cool, I can't explain in detail since again, I'm trying not to spoil anything, but while it can seem a little "childish" (?) and idiotic at first, it picks up the pace and I haven't found myself skipping text out of boredom but only out of anxiousness and need for answers (always regretted it after a couple lines and went back regardless but still)
Sooo yeah, I think this game is worth playing, and unlike I originally thought, it definitely has its spot in the good or even great games available on Itch, it's not just "decent" like I originally thought, it was a pleasant surprise.
glad you enjoyed it, let us know what you think when you finish Ch51
Hey, I took a little break but I'm here and I just finished chapter 51
Let me just, talk about the light stuff first, the french needs some corrections. It's my first language so if you'd like we could talk on discord a little and if you agree I can change the phrases to make it so they're gammatically correct while also sticking as close as possible to your original artistic view
Now for the actual content I might need some time to process some things, I did 50 and 51 together, lot of time paradoxes and things that I'll need to make sure I understood properly
I really want to avoid spoiling anyone who might come across this reply so I'll stay as vague as I can
This really felt like it turned everything upside down, in a good way of course. I had made some predictions as the story unfolded and while not all of them were wrong, it was nowhere near what was actually happening.
Which is amazing. The duality of characters finding out what they are, or what they *aren't*.
Discovering these as a player, not having a choice but just going forward hoping to get answers to the many new questions in my head, it created a feeling of heavyness much greater than anything this game had before. But it couldn't have happened without the story staying so consistent throughout all of these chapters, no matter how confusing they became.
It made no sense but it made so much sense at the same time, not claiming I understood everything of course I most likely missed stuff after all I just spend multiple hours reading this.
Caught myself going back a few lines, reading them again and again sometimes, making sure I at least had a proper, deliberate thought about them because it felt like if I didn't I would lose my understanding of what was happening.
The revelations kept coming in one after the other, it felt kind of like seeing a puzzle completing itself and trying to slow it down so you can observe *how*
A lot felt like it was just ideas coming back and being stuck together, I just needed to see more, the few (rare I have to admit, don't beat yourself up over this) typos that appeared didn't even register I just needed to go forward.
I have like 500go of visual novels downloaded from Itch (or found thanks to itch) on my computer and out of all of them, very few made me feel like this. I am glad I decided to download this game. I wish I had downloaded it before, but I also wish I hadn't found it until it was completely finished, so that I could get more and not get cut after the very emotional end of chapter that was given.
I went from thinking this was a slightly above average "discover your heritage and enjoy your harem with a dumb, pure, horny mc" game in the first few chapters, to actually playing it and it being so much more.
I might be glazing a little hard, I don't know, I'm still high on the feelings of the last few chapters, hadn't mentionned it but I also really loved Auxo's part, even if those last revelations make me doubt her sincerity a little.
Also side note, that 4th wall break stuff was somehow a nice break, it was in a very critical moment but it wasn't obnoxious, just a fun little surprise so you could breathe before it all went to shit again.
Anyways, you asked to let you know of my thoughts once I finished the chapter, I hope I did not disappoint
does this game have voice?
some in beginning and some in latest chapters 50 or 51.
i hope there will be more, but i enjoyed it in a current state regardless
any shot at an estimate of completion?
as far as I know story anon planned this game to be a 100 chapter story, now we are on chapter 51 so I guess it will be at least 5 years or so
be grateful that you can play this absolute peak every month or so, someone will just bingeplay it in a week
Finally, the game is working again on Linux. I stopped at chapter 45, after which the animation finally showed up. It was causing a crash before, but now I have WINE version 10.01 and it displayed smoothly. There's a lot of material waiting for me to catch up on, but I'm glad to be playing the game again.
So incredibly from the usual "VN"s on Itch and such sites purely because of how heavily the aspect of "novel" is used in this, but made so much uniquely better because of that. No, there isn't much interaction to be had with anything. No, you don't get to make much in way of character decisions. No, there aren't branching stories to explore and go through. However, Out of Touch's story is what makes it so compelling. It is the epitome of what a visual novel should be. The storytelling is enthralling, the characters are engaging, and the twists and gags make for a story so captivating that I have quite literally spent nearly 30 hours reading through it all (and even that was with the occasional skip through of dialogue). This is such a rich story with depth I've seldom found in actual published works that I have sunk more time than may be proper into the completion of what has been written so far, and knowing that more awaits is equally thrilling as it is daunting to imagine what work must be done by the team behind this. Disregarding the pornographic aspects which lure one in, the story told herein is flooring with how enraptured it has left me. I do not wish to engage in spoilers, but the characters and their arcs and all that occurs through what has been written (again, so far) are masterfully done. Naysayers may bemoan the tropes explored and the cliches used, but they add into the magnitude of this novel rather than detract anything from it. For all my years of being an avid reader, I cannot recall any tale that has gripped me so tightly as this - the humor, the drama, the comedy, the romance, everything coalesces to fall in place right as it should into what I would gladly argue is its own masterpiece of fiction.
This is not a porn game to be downloaded on a whim; played through a handful of times and discarded once the next fresh thing appears.
This is a novel, one whose themes and storytelling prowess should not be overlooked.
Kudos to you, Story Anon, and all of your team. I eagerly await the continuation of this story.
(P.S. Chapter 43 [I believe]. Those faces. Shivers every time they appear. In equal parts Fuck you and Man that really conveys how creepy they really are, well done.)
If you enjoyed this novel that much, have you tried "Crimson High"? Storywise another gem with great story and great humor! You might like it...
Excellent tip and thank you.
My pleasure😉
I installed this out of desperation for something new to play, I've gone through most if not all of the top 18+ VNS on Itch and I'm left only wanting more (althought the space on my computer is suffering from the sheer amount I have installed)
I had put off playing this quite a while ago because I didn't like how we couldn't name the protagonist
Got to experience other games until eventually this doesn't bother me anymore so I thought "Why not give it a try?"
It's kind of been a banger, like yeah it's not the best thing i've ever read, or ever seen
But the whole Chad Thundercock dad thing is lowkey hilarious and the VA does an amazing job, the story's been fun so far while also having somewhat of a serious undertone. I also really like these little narration lines calling mc dumb, not saying I want more of them though because we need to keep a balance but it hasn't been over the top so far.
Anyways, I liked this a lot more than I thought, and while it probably won't become one of my favorites (the competition is rough up there) I feel like it definitely earns it's place close under them
It's not meant to be a part of the "Canon of Literature" like Catcher In The Rye or Flowers For Algernon. For what it is, it doesn't take itself too seriously and really capitalizes on the resources they had. It's thought-provoking, sure, but it's meant to be entertaining. If it didn't achieve that, completely, for you, then no problem. For some of us, this is the kind of light-hearted but deeply satisfying story immersion that we want and, in some ways, need. I would be more than happy to see anyone compete with the complexity and attention to character development this story has. This kind of work can either disgust you or impress you. There's too much art in this to disgust me. Some VNs do that. Some books do that. Hell, some animes do that. Just relax and try not to be too critical.
Honestly sucks that you saw this one and replied to it, but not my newest comment. I was on chapter 10 or so when I wrote this one. Wrote a new one today a couple chapters after finishing with Auxo.
I wasn't mean in this review so your reply confuses me, makes me frustrated a little bit even. I called it a banger, I said "story's been amazing so far" while pointing to the serious undertones that had started to show up, as a positive thing.
Sure I guess I did say it's not one of the best things to exist, not one of the best games on here, but I also said it's pretty close to it.
Idk, your reply just feels like you thought I didn't like the game and it's kind of annoying since that's not at all what I said
Quick question cuz I never played this game does the 11gb download have the latest chapters 50 and 51 or do I have to download them as well? If so how do I put them to the base game file?
Edit: I guess no one is going to answer my question meaning I guess I wont be playing this game anytime soon.
The 11gb download has all chapters
Thank you for telling me
I gotta say one of the well thought out ero novel out there character personality are hella unique with their own set back with their trauma gotta say game developer hella cooked in this one and the world of this one of the kind first time exprience such high tier visual novel well done dev.
I'm not even 5 minutes into the game and I'm sold. Chad Fucking Thundercock doing a Mufasa was something I never knew I needed to see until I have.
I heard it also has Gianni.
Chad Thundercock is voiced by Gianni.
Love this game, everything is just amazing! Although I am a sucker for dark stories so not too surprising.
Also, currently on chapter 22, just got to the scene where they "met" the swedish soldiers. Don't know why but that really felt weird, maybe because I understood what they where saying and maybe because what Cro said was just bonechilling (not like the whole entire game hasn't been bonechilling but still).
Started this game in December as a distraction over Christmas. Absolutely fell in love with the story and the characters. You have done such an amazing job, I even had to limit myself to one chapter a day once I got half way through just so I could make the experience last longer
how do i change text speed??
Please add Russian language
Sooo my game is pretty old because I havent been playing it much but I rlly wanna play the new update what do I do?
I am on android btw
what a gut punch those last two chapters were. Every time you release something new I know it will destroy me but I just can’t stop waiting for more. I’m afraid but hopeful for the future of our characters.
This games pretty nea- IS THAT GIANNI!?!?!
I picked this up about a week ago and could hardly put it down sense. Between the overall quality, the incredible characters, and the compelling story (and fucking Gianni), this is easily makes my top 5 VNs of all time. I'm so glad I only stumbled across it (seemingly) close to the end of the story, because I'm not sure if I could survive waiting a long time for it to finish. 11/10 fucking masterpiece
I actually have some bad news my man: Story Anon plans to make the full VN about 100 chapters.
i love gianni matragano
I want to download the game but the thing with the latest update being a seperate file confuses me. Is it in the main downloadfile itself aswell or do I have to dowload both if I want the whole experience?
I'm fairly early into the game and I noticed I haven't come across any choices. Is this purely just reading or is it also a choice based game, just further in. Also sad that we can't change the protagonists name but it's fairly close to the name I use for things regardless so it doesn't bother me too much
This is very much a visual novel. No choices, just you reading a book that has nightmare horrors and unbelievable ammounts of sex.
It is worth the read, though.
pretty amazing not gonna lie. devoured every chapter the last few days