Try downloading the smallest one and run it, if it runs then the game will most likely run and you can download the rest (you won’t be able to start the game without all of them but installers are built the same way as the game so if they can run then game should too). I think it is built for android 4.4 and up but I doubt it actually runs on 4.4, but on 8.1 it should run.
Hi, I have a Question. I have an Samsung A55 with android 14 and One UI 6.1 and When I try to install the game with any of the 5 parts it says "App not installed as app isn't compatible with your phone". Is the game really not compatible with this phone?
If it only supports 64 bit apps - no, it can’t run it. You can try experimental 64 bit build pinned on discord in android support channel but it requires manually extracting content from installers because I only built 64 bit game runtime.
I see. But I don't think this is the case. As I was seeing on web it's something that started with android 14 update, when they started to block installing older version android apps, like android 6. But I don't know how it work to update the app for a newer version of android. But a lot of games run just fine in my phone. And your's runed before. But after this upgrade it doesn't run anymore.. щ(゚Д゚щ) (屮゚Д゚)屮
You’re the first person with that problem. Do you mean loudness is inconsistent between tracks? It used to be inconsistent but for over a year most tracks should have normalized loudness within reason. Or are you talking about something else?
What was happening was I changed the music volume to what I wanted it to be at (about 13), then when the track changed it would start playing at the default volume (50). I had to go back and change the volume slightly to get it playing at the correct volume again. This happened a few times. Weirdly I can't reproduce it anymore. Maybe it only happens on first run?
something thats been on my mind alot is how Cro says her name as in "Crah-Diag" right... so when people say he name are they saying Cro as in "Crow" or are they saying Cro as in "Crah"
Try using download manager. Large downloads sometimes fail and can’t be resumed but download managers usually allow resuming download from a new link.
i have seen countless other games with are long as well but not as large, but i guess this game is longer than the rest (seeing it has 40 chaps). and judging from the other comments it contains voice acting too, i think might also contribute to it
Yeah. I have completely updated android phone and try to install the apks but they all say cannot install because they're not compatible with device. Also due to something about no matching abis or something.
Try experimental 64 bit build on discord in pinned message in #oot-android-support. It will require manual asset installation though. If you already downloaded installers you only need to download experimental runtime and manually extract assets to correct location as described in the install instruction for 64 bit build on discord.
I don't understand the download for Android, do I have to download all the APKs at once? Or do I just download the other versions after finishing the first one??
There may or may not be spoilers in here, probably may (there are). Play the game first if you care about spoilers. Also none of this will make sense even if you read it while you play.
(4-7-24 22:35:00) I have been playing for five minutes, I am already so creeped out. I'll update as I play.
(4-7-24 23:14:17) CHAD?????????
(4-7-24 23:57:41) CHAD JR????????
(5-7-24 01:14:56) Clown Jr
(5-7-24 01:23:39) Jesse and James type shit, I like it
(5-7-24 01:28:52) That's a nice friend group, I wish I had friends
(5-7-24 01:33:06) I wasn't joking when I said I'd update this. We got a psycho and a stalker, this is gonna be fun. It has been so far. And I mean that in a good way.
(5-7-24 01:36:27) Red head is kinda rude, she can't get much worse?
(5-7-24 01:55:42) Chapter 5 is, 👍.
(5-7-24 02:07:12) Ms.Stalker is kinda creepy, anyways, sleepy time.
(5-7-24 10:13:42) Someone please tell the name of the songs in this game, I can't for some reason find any of them.
(5-7-24 10:18:27) I mean, she did kinda do it. To avoid spoilers to the best of my ability, most if not all details will be omitted.
(5-7-24 10:24:38) women 🍵
(5-7-24 10:36:12) Clown Jr is a great character, socially smart in a way
(5-7-24 10:41:52) again, woman🍵, believing lies even told to themselves
(5-7-24 10:42:45) bro is brute forcing life with pure determination, amazing
(5-7-24 10:45:23) "Clown Jr didn't do a lot of thinking." Bro does not think at all
(5-7-24 10:50:02) He does not have to think to know, wish i could do that
(5-7-24 10:55:37) wow beach lady beat you in swimming, not surprised
(5-7-24 10:58:46) they arent actually related right?
(5-7-24 11:06:10) im gonna need more coffee at this rate
(5-7-24 11:18:43) IT THINKS????
(5-7-24 11:22:51) couple type shit 👍, im happy that there isnt much interaction so its more like a good movie, just sit back and watch kinda thing
(5-7-24 11:29:03) yeah shes 100% into him
(5-7-24 11:34:57) again, couple type shit, and against no odds, i like this story 👍
(5-7-24 11:36:36) just straight up flirting with eachother, nice
(5-7-24 11:36:59) wait what, WHEN is this?
(5-7-24 11:50:12) He held the lighter to the firecracker
(5-7-24 11:53:43) kinda expected something bad to happen with that option, glad it went well
(5-7-24 12:01:32) I love Clown Jr's colors
(5-7-24 12:03:52) pants are a necessity
(5-7-24 12:10:28) "MINE SON"
(5-7-24 12:12:22) "EIGHT FINGERS OF MINE"
(5-7-24 12:14:14) "FOUR- ER, FIVE"
(5-7-24 12:17:24) someone please tell me Chad's background music
(5-7-24 12:25:59) 1. 4th wall? 2. mr. sandman?
(5-7-24 12:30:27) wait is that his "sister"?
(5-7-24 12:35:06) she isnt creepy as hell at all
(5-7-24 12:50:00) missing leg day is not an option
(5-7-24 12:51:00) this bitch skipped leg day
(5-7-24 12:52:13) whose shadow is that?
(5-7-24 12:57:29) he essentially has a harem, maybe not sexually but a few of them at least seem to be head over heels for him
(5-7-24 13:00:00) i dont like that, shes really fkn creepy, like its good story but she is, damn
(5-7-24 13:08:59) someone grab tiny before she does something stupid
(5-7-24 13:14:46) 5 bucks it was tiny, but where did the blood come from?
(5-7-24 13:14:59) schitzophrenia is a great title, chapter 12 seems like fun
(5-7-24 13:33:10) why are their eyes are so creepy
(1-19-25 13:46:13) I finally return
(1-19-25 13: 47:05) whats going on again?
(1-19-25 13:48:13) but of course, jamie and chad
(1-19-25 13:50:34) fourth voice wtf, i dont remember any of this
(1-19-25 14:05:19) im bored again, might return in a few months
You can find song file names in the console but a lot of music is original, you can find link to full soundtrack playlist pinned on discord in one of the channels.
To be honest, I've seen game before, but I never played it, I was thinking that it wouldn't be so good, and god fucking dammit I was so wrong, it's amazing, it so good, the are no words in English to say how good this game, music, story, everything, it's imaserable, god dammit, give an Oscar, a nobel, anything to autor of this game, its incredible❤️
Unpack archive and copy contents of Update folder to your game folder, confirm replacing old files. Make sure that you’re actually updating previous version and not skipping versions. If you skipped version you will have to do full download or find if links to old updates still exist somewhere.
They contain different assets but to run the game you need to run all of them. Entire game is ~7.2GB on Android (while normal limit on app size is 2GB). After completely installing the game you can remove them.
Never commented on anything on Itch before, but your story is just amazing. Not many H-scenes, but your intent was to get readers; I get it. Great story and keep up the great work. I would to praise you more, but "I'm out of time".
Poco X6 Pro should support it. Are you using custom ROM? Official Xiaomi HyperOS/MIUI ROMs should have Tango translator which translates 32 bit instructions into 64 bit allowing to run 32 bit apps despite not having native hardware support. Most AOSP based custom ROMs don’t include Tango so wouldn’t run apps.
edit: nevermind, apparently Poco doesn’t include Tango binary translator for some reason, at least from what I read.
I did mention that it’s possible on some phone models but it’s definitely not a process for average phone user. After a quick search I couldn’t find if anyone made a ROM or patch for S24 that allows running 32 bit apps so you’re most likely out of luck.
drat. I was hoping. I guess I'll have to wait until it'll be made, or switch to my laptop. Its an antique though, so I don't hold hopes the game would work.
It should work on your laptop. I was testing game performance on my 12 year old ASUS ultrabook with integrated graphics that couldn’t even run Hearthstone when it released. Unless it’s something even more ancient/weaker - you should be fine, maybe there would be some hiccups when loading images/videos but in general it works well. The only exception is that if you’re using Linux and running it under wine and your hardware doesn’t support Vulkan you will need to mod the game by extracting video bundles, transcoding to vp8/vorbis webms and rebuilding them in Unity 2019.4, otherwise videos will likely not work at all or will be completely messed up.
When I've downloaded it, I thought it will be some hentai stuff. I've found a gem. A story so ... I don't even know how to describe it. I was so hooked up, that I've almost detached myself from everything, just to know what happens next. It is one of greatest stories I've ever read, and trust me, I've read lot.
My android treats the installers like apps, and tries to install the installers as apps. But then it says that it isn't compatible. What am I supposed to do?
Because they are apps. They have the same bundle id as game, so when they extract all assets inside and install game it will just replace installer on your phone and you can delete installer apk files. If it says it’s incompatible it’s one of the two - either you have new android and it complains about incompatibility due to 32 bit but you can ignore and still run them OR your phone doesn’t support 32 bit at all, then you’re out of luck, there are some ways to run 32 bits apps but they are complicated and don’t work on every phone. Eventually there will be 64 bit build but likely not this year.
Just wanted to give you props for this. Not sure if this was your idea or if you simply became aware of the concept and implemented it, but this is such a clever way to go about installing a large game like this on Android.
In case anyone reading this doesn't get what I'm talking about:
The installer is split into five APKs. Each APK contains the same (of at least, a very similar) binary/executable, and uses the same internal ID. So when you install the first APK, it installs an Out of Touch "installer" app, which then extracts ~1.5GB of the game's files to an arbitrary location in your file system. Once done, you then install the second APK, which overwrites (or, technically, "updates") the previous installer. When you open the installer app again, it extracts the second ~1.5GB of the game data. Rinse and repeat until all five (at the time of writing) installers have been run. At this point, it then installs the actual Out of Touch game APK, which it extracted from the 5 installers, which overwrites itself ("updates" itself), replacing the installer with the actual game's binary itself.
There's a ton of benefits from doing the this way, but one of the biggest benefits is that it can guarantee that none of the files are corrupted, and it saves the player the hassle of needing to extract a large (or many smaller) archive (.zip, .7z, .Rae, .tar.gz, etc.) into a specific folder specified by the game, which is how many other VNs of this size handle it on Android.
There are, however, security issues with this method, though one of these issues exists even with the games that use manual archive extraction. Some Android devices won't even allow you to run apps that use the older API version, which is necessary for an app to be able to access arbitrary locations in your device's storage (and this is likely to become more and more common with newer devices). More importantly, though, apps using this older API do present a significant security risk. This security risk is only made more significant by permitting the Out of Touch app to install APKs itself; the result is an app with complete access to your device's file system that also has the ability to install other apps. That said, that isn't really that big of a deal, since the user still has to accept the installation of a given app (as in, installing an app can't be completely automated). Personally, I trust that these devs aren't about to go doing anything shady.
In any case, this is a super clever way of handling this problem, and regardless of whether you came up with the idea or not, I just wanted to compliment you on your ingenuity! Super neat.
Splitting it into installers wasn’t my idea, but the current implementation of installers is mine and the idea to have it replace itself with the game is also my idea. Original ones didn’t share ID, so they had to be manually removed from the device, they required running in a specific order and didn’t have any built in checks for already installed assets and didn’t install the game itself at the end. It’s not really a bigger security risk than manually installing the app because android doesn’t give permanent permission to install apps like for example you can get for file system access with legacy API. Instead access has to be requested every time you try to install app or at least that was my understanding when I researched on how to do it. I do plan to try an even better way eventually if possible that doesn’t even require legacy permissions or app installing permissions (although I would still prefer to keep using file system access for user convenience with saves) but I haven’t really started working on it so I don’t know if it will work. I’d completely get rid of legacy permissions if android didn’t make it almost impossible for regular users to access app internal storage without using PC/rooted phone.
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Are saves transferable between android and windows?
BTW: hat tip to this channel for exposing me to your game 🍻
A.G.R. is great for that. :)
did the game got rape
Not towards the LI's
what is the LI's
LI's = Love Interests
Why are there different kinds android installer? Which one should I download?
wait nvm I understand it now
one last question though, I'm hoping that there is no ntr?
I understand that we have to download all installers but run any one
Which brings me to the question does the game have any specific requirements?
Cause I'm using an android 8.1
Trying to avoid a situation where I'd waste 7gb and it won't play
Try downloading the smallest one and run it, if it runs then the game will most likely run and you can download the rest (you won’t be able to start the game without all of them but installers are built the same way as the game so if they can run then game should too). I think it is built for android 4.4 and up but I doubt it actually runs on 4.4, but on 8.1 it should run.
Hi, I have a Question. I have an Samsung A55 with android 14 and One UI 6.1 and When I try to install the game with any of the 5 parts it says "App not installed as app isn't compatible with your phone". Is the game really not compatible with this phone?
If it only supports 64 bit apps - no, it can’t run it. You can try experimental 64 bit build pinned on discord in android support channel but it requires manually extracting content from installers because I only built 64 bit game runtime.
I see. But I don't think this is the case. As I was seeing on web it's something that started with android 14 update, when they started to block installing older version android apps, like android 6. But I don't know how it work to update the app for a newer version of android. But a lot of games run just fine in my phone. And your's runed before. But after this upgrade it doesn't run anymore.. щ(゚Д゚щ) (屮゚Д゚)屮
Google dropped support for 32 bit apps in android 14 I think. Try experimental build on discord.
Looking for it RN! Thx!
Ugh. The music volume is not respected when a new track starts. I have to go to preferences and change it again.
You’re the first person with that problem. Do you mean loudness is inconsistent between tracks? It used to be inconsistent but for over a year most tracks should have normalized loudness within reason. Or are you talking about something else?
What was happening was I changed the music volume to what I wanted it to be at (about 13), then when the track changed it would start playing at the default volume (50). I had to go back and change the volume slightly to get it playing at the correct volume again. This happened a few times. Weirdly I can't reproduce it anymore. Maybe it only happens on first run?
Hiii do you have cheat codes for this
Not the type of game to need cheat codes
Are there different languages in this game? If so, is there a Russian one?
There is, it is not published here but there is a full translation by WhitePolarFoxxx.
something thats been on my mind alot is how Cro says her name as in "Crah-Diag" right... so when people say he name are they saying Cro as in "Crow" or are they saying Cro as in "Crah"
Listen to how name is pronounced by Cro VA in ch15, right before combat or by CG VA if you lose.
well yea, she says it like "Crah-Diag" but when they say Cro i cant help but read it as "Crow" like the new characters in chapter 48 say it as
No, that’s not how it’s pronounced. It closer to Cro-Yare-Agh (as CJ says it in the text).
Try using download manager. Large downloads sometimes fail and can’t be resumed but download managers usually allow resuming download from a new link.
why is the game so large on andriod?
What do you mean large? It’s smaller than desktop version, 7GB vs 10GB. It’s just very long.
i have seen countless other games with are long as well but not as large, but i guess this game is longer than the rest (seeing it has 40 chaps). and judging from the other comments it contains voice acting too, i think might also contribute to it
Esta en español?
NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I just caught up with live.
Sweet story so far I am looking forward to the rest of it.
finished game, restarted just to skip to god dad again, whoever did his voice acting is hilarious.
All voice actors are in the credits, but that’d be Gianni Matragrano.
Yeah. I have completely updated android phone and try to install the apks but they all say cannot install because they're not compatible with device. Also due to something about no matching abis or something.
Try experimental 64 bit build on discord in pinned message in #oot-android-support. It will require manual asset installation though. If you already downloaded installers you only need to download experimental runtime and manually extract assets to correct location as described in the install instruction for 64 bit build on discord.
I don't understand the download for Android, do I have to download all the APKs at once? Or do I just download the other versions after finishing the first one??
It literally says above download links that you need all of them.
There may or may not be spoilers in here, probably may (there are). Play the game first if you care about spoilers. Also none of this will make sense even if you read it while you play.
(4-7-24 22:35:00) I have been playing for five minutes, I am already so creeped out. I'll update as I play.
(4-7-24 23:14:17) CHAD?????????
(4-7-24 23:57:41) CHAD JR????????
(5-7-24 01:14:56) Clown Jr
(5-7-24 01:23:39) Jesse and James type shit, I like it
(5-7-24 01:28:52) That's a nice friend group, I wish I had friends
(5-7-24 01:33:06) I wasn't joking when I said I'd update this. We got a psycho and a stalker, this is gonna be fun. It has been so far. And I mean that in a good way.
(5-7-24 01:36:27) Red head is kinda rude, she can't get much worse?
(5-7-24 01:55:42) Chapter 5 is, 👍.
(5-7-24 02:07:12) Ms.Stalker is kinda creepy, anyways, sleepy time.
(5-7-24 10:13:42) Someone please tell the name of the songs in this game, I can't for some reason find any of them.
(5-7-24 10:18:27) I mean, she did kinda do it. To avoid spoilers to the best of my ability, most if not all details will be omitted.
(5-7-24 10:24:38) women 🍵
(5-7-24 10:36:12) Clown Jr is a great character, socially smart in a way
(5-7-24 10:41:52) again, woman🍵, believing lies even told to themselves
(5-7-24 10:42:45) bro is brute forcing life with pure determination, amazing
(5-7-24 10:45:23) "Clown Jr didn't do a lot of thinking." Bro does not think at all
(5-7-24 10:50:02) He does not have to think to know, wish i could do that
(5-7-24 10:55:37) wow beach lady beat you in swimming, not surprised
(5-7-24 10:58:46) they arent actually related right?
(5-7-24 11:06:10) im gonna need more coffee at this rate
(5-7-24 11:18:43) IT THINKS????
(5-7-24 11:22:51) couple type shit 👍, im happy that there isnt much interaction so its more like a good movie, just sit back and watch kinda thing
(5-7-24 11:29:03) yeah shes 100% into him
(5-7-24 11:34:57) again, couple type shit, and against no odds, i like this story 👍
(5-7-24 11:36:36) just straight up flirting with eachother, nice
(5-7-24 11:36:59) wait what, WHEN is this?
(5-7-24 11:50:12) He held the lighter to the firecracker
(5-7-24 11:53:43) kinda expected something bad to happen with that option, glad it went well
(5-7-24 12:01:32) I love Clown Jr's colors
(5-7-24 12:03:52) pants are a necessity
(5-7-24 12:10:28) "MINE SON"
(5-7-24 12:12:22) "EIGHT FINGERS OF MINE"
(5-7-24 12:14:14) "FOUR- ER, FIVE"
(5-7-24 12:17:24) someone please tell me Chad's background music
(5-7-24 12:25:59) 1. 4th wall? 2. mr. sandman?
(5-7-24 12:30:27) wait is that his "sister"?
(5-7-24 12:35:06) she isnt creepy as hell at all
(5-7-24 12:50:00) missing leg day is not an option
(5-7-24 12:51:00) this bitch skipped leg day
(5-7-24 12:52:13) whose shadow is that?
(5-7-24 12:57:29) he essentially has a harem, maybe not sexually but a few of them at least seem to be head over heels for him
(5-7-24 13:00:00) i dont like that, shes really fkn creepy, like its good story but she is, damn
(5-7-24 13:08:59) someone grab tiny before she does something stupid
(5-7-24 13:14:46) 5 bucks it was tiny, but where did the blood come from?
(5-7-24 13:14:59) schitzophrenia is a great title, chapter 12 seems like fun
(5-7-24 13:33:10) why are their eyes are so creepy
(1-19-25 13:46:13) I finally return
(1-19-25 13: 47:05) whats going on again?
(1-19-25 13:48:13) but of course, jamie and chad
(1-19-25 13:50:34) fourth voice wtf, i dont remember any of this
(1-19-25 14:05:19) im bored again, might return in a few months
You can find song file names in the console but a lot of music is original, you can find link to full soundtrack playlist pinned on discord in one of the channels.
ill make sure to check it out, thanks
Im deadass having so much fun reading your comments, chapter 21 and 22 will blow your mind
just got back from a trip, ill be playing more of it maybe tomorrow night or at least some time this week
To be honest, I've seen game before, but I never played it, I was thinking that it wouldn't be so good, and god fucking dammit I was so wrong, it's amazing, it so good, the are no words in English to say how good this game, music, story, everything, it's imaserable, god dammit, give an Oscar, a nobel, anything to autor of this game, its incredible❤️
I'm new of this game but I'm gonna ask first witch 😂 need to download first? They are soo many of them?
And plus is this game have animation?
If you don't mind my asking
There are instructions at the bottom of the page
I'm still playing, haven't even finished vol. 2 but to what I've seen the scenes with 'smashing' will be animated
Question, how do you install the update? I don't want to risk messing up my game files, I'm on Windows
Unpack archive and copy contents of Update folder to your game folder, confirm replacing old files. Make sure that you’re actually updating previous version and not skipping versions. If you skipped version you will have to do full download or find if links to old updates still exist somewhere.
Best game ever, will show to friends (I apologize for accidentally posting the exact same comment on the update post before this)
the game download isnt working. it keeps stopping at around 90 percent
Try using download manager to recover from failed download. If that doesn’t help you can try mirrors on f95.
Lo estoy instalando esperó q por lo que pesa venga en español XD
si venia en español?
What's the difference between installer 1,2 and 3?
They're part's 1, 2, 3,4 , & 5. You need all of them to install that game as it's a big one.
They contain different assets but to run the game you need to run all of them. Entire game is ~7.2GB on Android (while normal limit on app size is 2GB). After completely installing the game you can remove them.
Never commented on anything on Itch before, but your story is just amazing. Not many H-scenes, but your intent was to get readers; I get it. Great story and keep up the great work. I would to praise you more, but "I'm out of time".
why there are no animation in the sex scene its like fliping comic book?
Man you're going to be shocked when you learn what Visual novels developed from...
Anyway the latest patreon version has started the retroactive addition of animation in sex scenes for the first 12 chapters.
Game looks super cool but before i start it, i wanna ask how much story is covered till now(like in 0-100%).. there's 47 chaps, that's why i ask
100 chapters are planned, but chapters 1-15 are very short compared to the rest. So less than 50% but it’s also very long (425k words, 41.5k renders).
When's the next chap 48 update coming?
Chapter 48 is out now for patrons and will be public on July 1st.
For patrons came a few hours ago.
best vn here!
This game is super enjoyable! when are we meeting that goth girl at the park tho.. I'm at chapter 35 and she have only appeared... 3 times? I think?
The game looks too good and I was going to try it but it is not compatible with my Poco X6 Pro cell phone :(
Poco X6 Pro should support it. Are you using custom ROM? Official Xiaomi HyperOS/MIUI ROMs should have Tango translator which translates 32 bit instructions into 64 bit allowing to run 32 bit apps despite not having native hardware support. Most AOSP based custom ROMs don’t include Tango so wouldn’t run apps.
edit: nevermind, apparently Poco doesn’t include Tango binary translator for some reason, at least from what I read.
i'm using poco f3 and it runs normally
I made experimental 64 bit build so if you still want to try to play, it is on discord.
Thanks :)
Trying to install the chapter 47 and it doesnt want to work on my android.
I saw a previous post saying theres a way to possibly make it work. Does anyone know what to do for that?
For reference, I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.
I really love this game, and have been playing it for quite a while. I'd hate to miss out.
I did mention that it’s possible on some phone models but it’s definitely not a process for average phone user. After a quick search I couldn’t find if anyone made a ROM or patch for S24 that allows running 32 bit apps so you’re most likely out of luck.
drat. I was hoping. I guess I'll have to wait until it'll be made, or switch to my laptop. Its an antique though, so I don't hold hopes the game would work.
My luck
Also. Thank you for the response. I appreciate you looking into it for me
It should work on your laptop. I was testing game performance on my 12 year old ASUS ultrabook with integrated graphics that couldn’t even run Hearthstone when it released. Unless it’s something even more ancient/weaker - you should be fine, maybe there would be some hiccups when loading images/videos but in general it works well. The only exception is that if you’re using Linux and running it under wine and your hardware doesn’t support Vulkan you will need to mod the game by extracting video bundles, transcoding to vp8/vorbis webms and rebuilding them in Unity 2019.4, otherwise videos will likely not work at all or will be completely messed up.
well, I am not running Linux so it should be ok. I'll give it a try, and again. Thank you for getting back to me. Its greatly appreciated
please what song is used when chapter 1, Jamie waiting for CJ at the station?
There's a playlist of oot here in yt
When I've downloaded it, I thought it will be some hentai stuff. I've found a gem. A story so ... I don't even know how to describe it. I was so hooked up, that I've almost detached myself from everything, just to know what happens next. It is one of greatest stories I've ever read, and trust me, I've read lot.
After about 4 months of playing this game i can say that this is the best vn i have ever played. Literal peak cinema
Can I change the MC name on Android?
The MC's name is fixed. MC really isn't a self-insert anyway.
Mc name can't be changed cuz it's already fix
is it animated?
i don't know for 45 and beyond but its not
There are some animations here and there but none for H-scenes right now. (i've only played up to chapter 44 I believe)
Animations for H-scenes are apparently planned to be added in at a later date.
They are now present in the prologue and Ch12 with the new update that is available to patrons and will be going public on July 1st.
your novel looks amazing!
Love game
My android treats the installers like apps, and tries to install the installers as apps. But then it says that it isn't compatible. What am I supposed to do?
Because they are apps. They have the same bundle id as game, so when they extract all assets inside and install game it will just replace installer on your phone and you can delete installer apk files. If it says it’s incompatible it’s one of the two - either you have new android and it complains about incompatibility due to 32 bit but you can ignore and still run them OR your phone doesn’t support 32 bit at all, then you’re out of luck, there are some ways to run 32 bits apps but they are complicated and don’t work on every phone. Eventually there will be 64 bit build but likely not this year.
Well crap. Thanks for telling me.
Just wanted to give you props for this. Not sure if this was your idea or if you simply became aware of the concept and implemented it, but this is such a clever way to go about installing a large game like this on Android.
In case anyone reading this doesn't get what I'm talking about:
The installer is split into five APKs. Each APK contains the same (of at least, a very similar) binary/executable, and uses the same internal ID. So when you install the first APK, it installs an Out of Touch "installer" app, which then extracts ~1.5GB of the game's files to an arbitrary location in your file system. Once done, you then install the second APK, which overwrites (or, technically, "updates") the previous installer. When you open the installer app again, it extracts the second ~1.5GB of the game data. Rinse and repeat until all five (at the time of writing) installers have been run. At this point, it then installs the actual Out of Touch game APK, which it extracted from the 5 installers, which overwrites itself ("updates" itself), replacing the installer with the actual game's binary itself.
There's a ton of benefits from doing the this way, but one of the biggest benefits is that it can guarantee that none of the files are corrupted, and it saves the player the hassle of needing to extract a large (or many smaller) archive (.zip, .7z, .Rae, .tar.gz, etc.) into a specific folder specified by the game, which is how many other VNs of this size handle it on Android.
There are, however, security issues with this method, though one of these issues exists even with the games that use manual archive extraction. Some Android devices won't even allow you to run apps that use the older API version, which is necessary for an app to be able to access arbitrary locations in your device's storage (and this is likely to become more and more common with newer devices). More importantly, though, apps using this older API do present a significant security risk. This security risk is only made more significant by permitting the Out of Touch app to install APKs itself; the result is an app with complete access to your device's file system that also has the ability to install other apps. That said, that isn't really that big of a deal, since the user still has to accept the installation of a given app (as in, installing an app can't be completely automated). Personally, I trust that these devs aren't about to go doing anything shady.
In any case, this is a super clever way of handling this problem, and regardless of whether you came up with the idea or not, I just wanted to compliment you on your ingenuity! Super neat.
Splitting it into installers wasn’t my idea, but the current implementation of installers is mine and the idea to have it replace itself with the game is also my idea. Original ones didn’t share ID, so they had to be manually removed from the device, they required running in a specific order and didn’t have any built in checks for already installed assets and didn’t install the game itself at the end. It’s not really a bigger security risk than manually installing the app because android doesn’t give permanent permission to install apps like for example you can get for file system access with legacy API. Instead access has to be requested every time you try to install app or at least that was my understanding when I researched on how to do it. I do plan to try an even better way eventually if possible that doesn’t even require legacy permissions or app installing permissions (although I would still prefer to keep using file system access for user convenience with saves) but I haven’t really started working on it so I don’t know if it will work. I’d completely get rid of legacy permissions if android didn’t make it almost impossible for regular users to access app internal storage without using PC/rooted phone.
I made experimental 64 bit build, it is available on discord if you still want to try it.
I need some sort of Spotify playlist or smth with this game soundtrack cause why is it so good
Closest you'll get since half of it's custom commissions,
Youtube Soundtrack